Nadene van der Linden

Nadene van der Linden is a Clinical Psychologist, Accredited EMDR Consultant and Therapist and Advanced Certified Schema Therapist. Nadene has a special interest in trauma and uses active therapy approaches including schema therapy, EMDR, and chairwork therapy techniques. Nadene is a Board Approved Supervisor and supervises and mentors psychologists and other mental health therapists. Nadene offers online training for therapists at

The Fear of Losing Control Schema: my feelings will cause damage

If you believe that your feelings are dangerous and can cause damage or result in serious consequences, you may have the fear of losing control schema. Yalcin et all (2022) defines this schema as “The excessive inhibition or disconnection of spontaneous emotion, action, or expression, due to a fear that one would otherwise lose control …

The Fear of Losing Control Schema: my feelings will cause damage Read More »

Critic Modes: Is your inner critic punitive, demanding or guilt inducing?

Most people are aware of thoughts that cross their mind. These thoughts guide them, prompt them and even narrate their actions. You might notice some of these thoughts are critical of you, and the things you do and think. When this occurs, an inner critic mode is present. In schema therapy, this voice is called …

Critic Modes: Is your inner critic punitive, demanding or guilt inducing? Read More »

The Helpless Surrender Mode

Do you have someone in your life who seems perpetually stuck, complains a lot, and blames others for their situation? Perhaps this person states that they are powerless to change and that things can’t get better for them because of their circumstance.

They may also reject any suggestions that could help shift them out of helplessness and move them towards change. You may find they get angry at your suggestions and tell you that if you cared you wouldn’t even say these things. If so, you have met someone with the Helpless Surrender Mode

What does little you need? Learning to take care of your vulnerable part.

Learning how to identify what you need emotionally can be hard. Especially if you have been cut off or dissociated from your needs for a long time. This is often the case when we have been using our coping modes a lot or all of the time. If you find knowing what you need hard, I recommend you make …

What does little you need? Learning to take care of your vulnerable part. Read More »

Making sense of the overcontroller modes in schema therapy

Overcontroller is a label used to explain some of the overcompensation coping modes in schema therapy. When you are in an overcompensation mode you act, think and feel like the opposite of your schemas are true. Overcompensation modes serve to make you feel less vulnerable to whatever pain is in your vulnerable child mode and …

Making sense of the overcontroller modes in schema therapy Read More »